Chocolate chip Cookie Dough Truffles now in a new, special Easter Edition – in the shape of an egg, creamy inside, crunchy on the outside – do I need to say more ?
Hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on it’s way…..and fast! And you know what the means, the cuddly Easter bunny is on his way.
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Tag Archives: Chocolate Chips

Chocolate Baileys Truffles
Baileys and chocolate – can life get any better I wonder?!
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt. ― Charles M. Schulz
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Truffles
These chocolate chip cookie dough truffles are so easy you’re going to feel like you’re cheating…..
I promise my next post will be much healthier, but in the meantime, have a truffle. These chocolate chip cookie dough truffles are so easy you’re going to feel like you’re cheating, like you’re getting way with something……
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Easy Oreo Truffle Eggs
Easter is on the way and so are the Oreo Truffle Eggs!
And if you have been searching for a quick and easy, yet totally adorable, Easter gift, look no further.
I have been SO ANXIOUS to share this adorable Oreo Truffle Eggs with you guys and today is the day! But I must say a few things and that would be real quick before I dive into today’s recipe.
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